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Completing the Form I-9 for Automatic Extensions of Nonimmigrant Dependent Spouse’s EADs

Completing the Form I-9 for Automatic Extensions of Nonimmigrant Dependent Spouse’s EADs The USCIS recently issued a new policy that applies to dependent spouses with an L-2 and E-1/E-2/E-3 status. This policy was issued on November 12, 2021 and...

Legal Immigration Can Help Reduce Labor Shortages

Legal Immigration Can Help Reduce Labor Shortages The Great Resignation has caused significant labor shortages in a lot of industries, and it looks like these shortages will continue for a while. This problem has hit the manufacturing industry...

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USCIS Returning to Offices Starting June 4th

USCIS Returning to Offices Starting June 4th United States Citizenship and Immigration Services has announced that certain domestic offices will reopen and resume non-emergency public services starting June 4th, 2022. This will allow petitioners...

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USCIS Making Progress Towards Electronic Processing

USCIS Making Progress Towards Electronic Processing The USCIS has been stating its intent to modernize by changing to an electronic filing system for almost twenty years. The system it had intended to put in place was ELIS, the Electronic Immigration...

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USCIS Announces Purge of Older E-Verify Records

USCIS Announces Purge of Older E-Verify Records Every year United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) purges records that are more than ten years old from the E-Verify system, and that time has come once again. The USCIS has announced...

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