Legislation Reintroduced in Senate to Mandate E-Verify for All Employers
February 12, 2023
A Senator has reintroduced legislation that would help businesses comply with immigration laws. If passed, the Accountability Through Electronic Verification...
The Details on Tennessee’s Revised E-Verify Regulations
February 9, 2023
E-Verify is a web-based program that helps employers confirm the documentation their employees present to verify their employment eligibility. Federal law only requires...
Bill Filed in Texas Legislature to Strengthen E-Verify Requirements
January 23, 2023
A recently filed bill will strengthen the employment verification process in Texas. Through it, a Republican state representative hopes to pass stronger E-Verify...
E-Verify Is Still an Excellent Tool for Verifying Work Authorization
January 10, 2023
E-verify is one of the best ways for employers to confirm the employment eligibility of their workers. Verifying employment eligibility is necessary for workers,...
Recap of the States That Passed E-Verify Mandates in 2022
January 5, 2023
E-Verify is a web-based program that helps enrolled employers confirm their employees’ employment eligibility to work in the United States. Originally, this program...
Florida Government Demands Organizations Provide Proof of E-Verify Compliance
December 28, 2022
The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) sent letters to six companies requesting documentation. These letters require the companies to...
Information Every Employer Should Know About E-Verify
Over twenty years old, the E-Verify system has grown from its humble availability in only five states to becoming a nationwide program used by over half a million employers. Though the E-Verify...
Tennessee’s E-Verify Mandate Will Soon Include More Employers
Beginning in 2023, employers in Tennessee with 35 or more employees will be required to use the E-Verify system to confirm the work authorization of their new hires and maintain the...
Tennessee Senate Recommends Passage of Bill Expanding State’s E-Verify Requirements
A new bill being considered in the Tennessee senate would require that more businesses use the E-Verify system to confirm that their employees are authorized...
The Justice Department Settles With Home Care Provider Over Abuse of E-Verify System
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has recently announced the reaching of a settlement with a Washington state-based at-home health care provider. This settlement...